Could reactivating the goddesses and retelling their stories be a cosmotechnic for imagining a post-carbon future?
What is music's role in connecting the terrestrial to the solar at different moments of our path around the Sun?
In storms that symbolize personal, societal, and political upheavals, can fiction renarrate the silence in history and absence in archives?
Tactility is the repulsion between electrons.
How do autonomous generative systems redefine our relationships with an increasingly predictable world?
The complex entanglement of commerce, science, and power structures in the nonhuman world and the Anglo-Indian colonial system.
Using sounds, images and bodies to form new bones of space
The final chapter of Who Owns Nature? series, Gaia Should Be Safe, this exhibition explores radical human attempts to reshape nature through perspectives on agriculture, hydraulic engineering, infrastructure, and climate control, speculating on whether the Gaia remains unharmed.