2024.12.21 Saturday 15:00
Macalline Center of Art, 706 Beiyi St, 798 Art Zone, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Speaker:Chloé Delarue

Since 2015, Chloé Delarue has been developing an aesthetic research project entitled TAFAA, an acronym for Toward A Fully Automated Appearance. Through this work, the artist questions the profound transformations engendered by full automation, the computational modes that traverse our existences, and the autonomous generative systems that redefine our relationships with the world.
Chloé Delarue will take us on a journey through various sources of inspiration and the production of works over the last ten years, in order to bring out the aesthetic language of TAFAA, its paradoxes and ambiguities. At the heart of this presentation are open questions: how do autonomous systems and algorithmic logics transform our way of perceiving and existing? Can we imagine a form of completion, a culmination of reality? Are we facing the erosion of our ability to feel and interpret the world in a singular way? Through these questions, Chloé Delarue insists on the possibility of aesthetic reflection to stimulate our imaginations in the face of crucial social issues.
This event is supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai, the Swiss Arts Council.
Chloé Delarue explores the aesthetic dimension of our affects through a wide range of materialities. She imagines scenarios and hypotheses about how our systems and structures of representation are reconfigured, becoming a substance, a material accessible to the computational modes of our existence. Her installations and sculptures where the effects of lure, pretense, mimetic unfold, define a dense aesthetic environment within particular a vast series of works appearing under the acronym TAFAA for Toward A Fully Automated Appearance, a cycle in motion that gives form to the sensitive ambiguities of this world troubled by its own replication.